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Date : January 2020

Forest Ranger & Conservator Exams Complete Study Notes available

If you have a real interest in caring and protecting the natural forestry, birds, animals then a career in forestry as a forest ranger is most suitable for you. Forest ranger is a person who is not only in charge of the Forest but also performs executive, supervisory, and protective functions of the range.

Forest rangers perform a wide range of tasks for state and national forests. For example, they may help maintain campground facilities and trails, and help with fire prevention and firefighting. Some enforce laws and regulations on public lands, roads, and campgrounds. They may also interact with the public during their patrols and visits to campgrounds. Some give fire education programs,provide information to visitors, and explain regulations to the public. They also enforce these regulations, taking appropriate action when necessary.

A forest ranger's duties include helping conquer forest fires, educating the public about forest safety, controlling wild animals, patrolling the area, and maintaining the environment. A bachelor's degree in forestry or an associate's degree with experience is required for this job.